15th August, 2021. A formal inaugural programme was organized at the Sabarmati Central Jail at 12.30 pm on 15th August, 2021 wherein Honourable the Chief Justice inaugurated the followingeServices:
- eFiling of Bail/Parole/FurloughApplications from the Jails: As per the order passed by the Honourable Court (Coram : Honourable Ms.Justice Sonia Gokani and Honourable Mr. Justice R.M.Sareen) in Criminal Appeal No. 1830 of 2016, dated 15/07/2021 regarding facilitating of efiling of Bail Applications of Jail inmates, Honourable the Chief Justice of High Court of Gujarat, Mr. Justice Vikram Nath and Honourable Judges of the ICT & eGovernance Committee, approved implementation of e-filing of Bail Applications of inmates of Sabarmati Central Jail, Ahmedabad, on pilot basis. By way of this initiative of the High Court of Gujarat, all the applications for bail, parole, furlough etc. being presently filed by the inmates in hard copy from Sabarmati Central Jail, Ahmedabad, will now be e-filed through the e-filing portal for the High Court of Gujarat. This will be done by the Jail Administration with the assistance of the Legal Aid Cell working in the Jail. This service will curtail the delays in the processing of the applications of the jail inmates facilitating early listing of such applications. A unique country first value addition to this service is that, email address and mobile number of the family member / guardian / relative etc. of the jail inmates will also be updated in the e-filing application so that all the updates of case can be automatically emailed till the disposal of such application.
- Email My Case Status Service for Inmates of all the Jails of the State: Email My Case Status (EMCS) service of the High Court of Gujarat is a unique country first litigant centric service which provides automatic updates of any case of any Court of the State of Gujarat, through automatic emails till the disposal of the case. Upon the direction of Honourable the Chief Justice of High Court of Gujarat, Mr. Justice Vikram Nath and Honourable Judges of the ICT & eGovernance Committee, benefits of the Email My Case Status (EMCS) service have been extended to all the inmates of the jails through the concerned Jail Authorities of the State, so as to enable the inmates to follow up their cases pending at the High Court as well as in the Subordinate Courts. All the jail authorities of the State, upon subscribing to the cases of their inmates, will automatically receive the causelist, order/judgments and disposal notifications of all such cases. These case updates will then be conveyed by the Jail Authorities to the concerned inmates, facilitating fulfilment of the right of the inmates, of access to information of his/her case. In the matters wherein email/mobile details of the kin/relative of the inmate is received from the Jail Authorities, Email My Case Status Service will be automatically activated by the High Court for the particular case of the inmate.
- Live Streaming of Court Proceedings of High Court Cases for the Inmates in the Jails: As envisioned by the Honourable the Chief Justice of High Court of Gujarat, Mr. Justice Vikram Nath and Honourable Judges of the ICT & eGovernance Committee, the Home Department of the Government of Gujarat has been requested to facilitate the watching of the live streaming of the Court proceedings of the High Court Cases to the concerned inmates in the jail, whenever their case is listed. By way of Email My Case Status service as stated above, the information of listing of cases of inmates is going to be automatically sent to all the Jail Authorities, based on which the Jail Authorities can arrange for watching of the live streaming by the concerned inmates in the jails. This would be of immense help for the jail inmates as they would come to know about the proceedings of their individual cases.