For Various departments of the High Court
- Automation of Office of Hon’ble the Chief Justice.
- For maintaining the record’s of Letters addressed to the Hon’ble the Chief Justice of Bombay High Court, Minutes of Meetings, Management of Data related to the Hon’ble Judges of Bombay High Court, Correspondence between the Office of the Hon’ble the Chief Justice with Others, Leave Record of Hon’ble Judges, Seating list Details, Maintaining the Full Court Reference, Speeches delivered by the Hon’ble the Chief Justice, Utility Bill Management of the Office as well Residence of the Hon’ble the Chief Justice and tour information of the Hon’ble the Chief Justice and other Judges etc.
- E-Library application for the Hon’ble Judges Library.
- All information of books in the Library is available along with few books in PDF format.
- All information of books in the Library is available along with few books in PDF format.
- Investment Management System for investments for amounts deposited in the Court matters.
- Application for Inspection Department.
- Maintaining the Record of Judicial Officers such as posting, working days and disposal
- Maintaining the Record of Judicial Officers such as posting, working days and disposal
- Application for R.T.I. Section.
- Personnel Information System including leave management.