1. The High Court of Manipur recruitment website
The High Court of Manipur recruitment website has been developed by the High Court technical team for better management of the various recruitments conducted by the High Court of Manipur. It contains features such as (i) Online Registration of Candidates, (ii) Online submission of Application form and uploading of documents by candidates, (iii) Online payment of Application Fees and (iv) Download of Admit Card by Candidates.
Recruitment for Lower Division Assistant (LDA), Judicial Officers Grade I & Grade III, Drivers, Private Secretary, Court Attendant/ Farash/ Orderly/ Chowkidar/ Lawn Attendant etc. have been done through this portal.
Figure: Home Page
Instamojo payment gateway has been integrated for collection of Application Fees for the recruitments.
Figure: Total Payment Collected through Online Payment
SpringEdge SMS gateway has also been integrated and SMS are sent to the candidates at different stages of recruitment.
2. Scanning and Digitization of Case Records
The Scanning and Digitization of Case Records for the High Court of Manipur and its subordinate Courts was started in March 2019. As on 28-09-2021, a total number of 39,93,776 pages have been scanned and digitized out of the estimated total of 80,00,000 pages.
3. Digital Signature Certificates for Judicial Officers
Digital Signature Certificates were provided to all the Judicial Officers of Manipur and started signing of documents since April 2019.
4. Video Conferencing for Court proceedings
Jitsi Meet Video Conferencing (VC) software has been used in the High Court and subordinate Courts for conducting the Court proceedings, since 15-04-2020. Now, 20(twenty) number of Cisco Webex VC licenses have been procured to enhance the efficiency, specially when the number of participants is large. 15(fifteen) number of Cisco Webex VC licenses for the 15 Court complexes and 5(five) number of Cisco Webex VC licenses for the High Court have been procured and started using it.
5. CCTV for Subordinate Courts
E-Tender for installation of CCTV Cameras at the District Courts has been successfully completed and the CCTV hardware have been delivered at the High Court of Manipur.
6. Online Certified Copy
Software for Online Certified Copy has been developed in coordination with NIC team, Imphal. Around 90% of the development work has been completed.