
    Website of Rajasthan High Court

    • The domain name of Rajasthan High Court official website is The website has been designed with latest technology and advanced features with entire new look and design.
    • The website is screen responsive i.e. can be seen on mobile, iPad or laptop and on any size of screen. The new website is disabled friendly also.
    • Visually impaired users can also access it now. For this, the website supports screen readers meant for visually impaired persons. Links of Free screen readers are available on the website itself.
    • Website has most comprehensive and updated Case Status section, here user gets facility to find case particulars on a unique multiple parameter search where facility to identify case using combination 18 different fields is available.
    • Facilities like Causelist, Judgements, Certified Copy Status, Realtime Filing Defect Status, e Directory, Latest Updates, e-Court services, Reportable Judgement, Various Administrative orders etc available on website.
    • The website receives around 40,000 hits per day.

