eCourts services mobile application received the Digital India award as a revolutionary court information tool in the country. eCourts Services mobile application is available on Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Case status, cause lists, Court orders can be accessed through this mobile app, making these services available 24X7. It is a useful tool for members of the judiciary, advocates, litigants, police, government agencies and other stakeholders. It facilitates retrieval of data relating to cases pending in the court system across various parameters such as CNR [a unique number assigned to each case filed in a district or taluka court], parties name, advocates name, FIR number, case type or relevant Act.
The data available on the National Judicial Data Grid (NJDG) for district and taluka courts can now be accessed through this mobile app. The number of downloads has reached more than 58,15,211 (5.81 million) as of 07.05.2021 and is demonstrative of the popularity and utility of this application.
The app has been updated with a QR code feature. A user can consequently get case details on a mobile phone by simply scanning the QR code. The QR code can be obtained from the eCourts website and eCourts services mobile application. It also incorporates a ‘History of the Case’ feature which enables one to view all events relating to and orders passed in a particular case from the time of its first hearing down to its current status. Links are provided in the app itself to view judgments and orders passed in cases. The Date Case List feature facilitates the generation of cause lists for advocates.