
    Significant Milestones achieved under the e-Courts Project

    • Development of the largest Free and Open Source Software [FOSS] based case information and management system in the world. Adoption of a FOSS based platform resulted in estimated savings of Rs. 340 crores (3400 million) to the country not including the recurrent costs towards license fees and maintenance
    • Creation of a common Case Management and Information System “CIS National Core v3.2” software for all the district and subordinate courts of India
    • Case Management and Information system “CIS National Core v1.0” implemented in all 22 High Courts of India
    • Data of 3256 court complexes across the country is now available online
    • Individual websites of 688 district courts established
    • The National Judicial Data Grid [NJDG] contains data of 13.60 cores (1360 million) (pending and disposed) from district and taluka courts.
    • Total 3.38 crores (338 million) cases (pending) and 12.49 crores (1249 million) orders and judgments of different High Courts available online
    • 4.54 million Android users have downloaded the mobile app developed by the e-Committee.