e-Courts Services Mobile App hian revolutionary court information hman rua anih na angin Digital India Award a dawng a ni. E –Courts Services Mobile App hi Google Playstore ah leh Apple AppStore ah te a awm a. Thubuai dinhmun, causelists, court thuchhuakte hi he mobile app atang hian engtik lai pawn en theih in a awm a ni. Judiciary memberte, ukilte, thubuai neitute, police, sawrkar agency leh stakeholder te tana tangkai hle a ni. CNR, partyhming, ukil hming, FIRnumber, Casetype leh Relevant Act hmangin Court-akal mek data a zawnchhuah leh theih ani.
He mobile app atang hian NJDG-a District leh Taluka Court-a data awmte a en theih a ni.He app hi 46,50,000(4.65million) download ani tawha, hei hian atangkaina leh lartawh zia chu ati chiang viau a ni.
He app hi QR Code feature hmang a ni a. A hmangtu hian mobile phone ah thubuai chipchiar zawka hmu tur chuan QR Code scan mai a ngai a ni. QR code hi eCourt website leh eCourt service mobile application atanga scan theih a ni. ‘History of the Case’ feature a neihah hian thubuai reng reng ngaihtuah tantirh atanga a tun dinhmun thleng en theih a ni. He app ah hian link awmin chumi hmang chuan Court thu thluk na an thupek te a en theih a. Date causelist feature hian Ukil te tan causelist siam a ni thin.
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